Why carry an IDP while driving in Antigua?
Your IDP is a valid form of identification in more than 150 countries worldwide and contains your name, photo and driver information in the 12 most widely spoken languages in the world – it is understandable to most of the local officials and authorities of the countries you visit.
It translates your identification information into 12 languages — so it speaks the language even if you don’t. Antigua highly recommends an International Driving Permit.

Driving Rules in Antigua
The rental car agencies assist foreign drivers in getting Antigua temporary driving permit, which is valid for six months. Be sure to check some of these important driving rules.
Important Reminders for driving in Antigua:
- Driving is on the left side of the road.
- The speed limit is 20 mph in built up areas and 40 mph on open roads.
- Pedestrians on “zebra crossing” always have right of way and drivers must give way to pedestrians on “zebra crossing”.
- When turning at the intersection, drivers must give way to pedestrians crossing the road.
- Drivers must give way to police, ambulance, and fire engines vehicles when they have blue flashing lights.
- Drivers should pass on the left islands in the road unless signs or road marking show otherwise.
- Drivers must give way to traffic coming from right unless road marking indicates otherwise.
- It is not permitted to reverse from the side road to the main road.
Additional information for driving in Antigua
The main roads are in reasonable condition, but major roads are in average to poor condition. Slow-moving vehicles and animals often are on the roads. Most roads have signposts or directional guides. It is recommended to rent a four-wheel-drive vehicle.
The most important rules for driving in Antigua
Expertise is nothing when a good character does not show up. It may not be a technical requirement, but it is one of the essential things drivers should have. Cloning a disrespectful individual on the road is a big mistake. However, tolerating the ideal ones is a plus point. A great reminder to keep every time you hit the highway is to observe the road signages and rules. Among the most critical items to secure is the International Driver’s Permit (IDP). In Antigua, your home driver’s card is not enough. You have to apply for an International Driver’s Permit (IDP) from the International Driver’s Association website. Right on the online site, there is a direct link for Antigua containing information about the requirements, form, contact number, extension agreement, and other latest updates about IDP.
How to get your IDP
We’ve streamlined the application process down by creating a platform that guides you so you know exactly what you’ll need to successfully complete your application

1. Apply Online
Start your application for International Driver’s License Get the IDP.

2. Upload Photos
Make sure to upload an updated photo and with the correct parameters.

3. Get approved
Wait for your confirmation and you are ready to go!

Mike Wessells
“I was renting a car in Italy when i found out i need to get an International Driving License, after a quick online search and 5min application. i was able to get my IDP in 15 Minutes.. I am very pleased with the service I received”
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