Why carry an IDP while driving in Cambodia?
Your IDP is a valid form of identification in more than 150 countries worldwide and contains your name, photo and driver information in the 12 most widely spoken languages in the world – it is understandable to most of the local officials and authorities of the countries you visit.
It translates your identification information into 12 languages — so it speaks the language even if you don’t. Cambodia highly recommends an International Driving Permit.

Driving Rules in Cambodia
Explore the amazing Buddhist temples. See the wonderful Angkor Wat and discover Cambodia! A day is not enough to visit Siem Reap alone. Drive your own car to maximize your travel and get from one destination to another with ease. There is no winter in Cambodia. Unlike most tropical countries, the best time to travel in Cambodia is during the rainy season from May to October. Just be sure to bring umbrellas and wear proper clothing to enjoy your trip.
Important Reminders:
- Cambodia is a right-hand drive country.
- The minimum driving age is 18 years old.
- Seat belts are a must for all passengers.
- Hands-free is a must. Keep your phones away unless they are hands-free.
- Drink responsibly. The maximum blood alcohol level is 50 mg per 100 ml of blood.
- Child-restraint is a must.
- Do not park at pedestrian crossings. Pedestrians always have right of way.
- You are not allowed to horn in build-up and residential areas.
- Buses always have right of way and at the bus stops, all drivers must slow down and stop if it is necessary to allow the buses to move in or out.
- At roundabout, drivers who are already going anticlockwise round have priority.
- Drivers must give way to police vehicles, military vehicles, military police vehicles, fire engines, and ambulances if they use their horns or sirens and special flashing lights.
- Vehicles may be parked along roads on the right hand side in the same direction as traffic flows. On one way roads, cars can be parked on both sides.
- It is not permitted to park vehicles within 5 meters of junctions on normal roads and within 10 meters of junctions on main boulevards and any roads outside of towns.
- Parking is not permitted at the entrances or exits of public buildings and private house. It is not permitted to left vehicles on public roads for longer than 72 hours.
Additional information for driving in Cambodia:
The most roads in Cambodia are in a poor condition. Drivers should check carefully with the car rental company what insurance is included in the hire. Further to a driver license, each foreign driver should have passport with him/her always when driving. Foreign visitors are advised against driving outside of cities after dark as roads are dark and many cars, cycles, and bicycles drive at night without lights. If a traffic police officer wants to stop a car, he raises his right hand up (or sometimes both) with his palm opened straight towards a vehicle. At night, the traffic police use red light sticks. Pedestrians always have a right of way even if there is not a pedestrian crossing so drivers must stop to allow pedestrians to cross a road safely. Drivers are permitted to sound their horns to inform other road users about danger at daytime only. Sounding horns is prohibited in built up areas after midnight.
Driving in Cambodia during Winter:
There is no winter in Cambodia. Unlike most tropical countries, the best time to travel in Cambodia is during the rainy season from May to October. Just be sure to bring umbrellas and wear proper clothing to enjoy your trip. Have a pleasant trip!
How to get your IDP
We’ve streamlined the application process down by creating a platform that guides you so you know exactly what you’ll need to successfully complete your application

1. Apply Online
Start your application for International Driver’s License Get the IDP.

2. Upload Photos
Make sure to upload an updated photo and with the correct parameters.

3. Get approved
Wait for your confirmation and you are ready to go!

Mike Wessells
“I was renting a car in Italy when i found out i need to get an International Driving License, after a quick online search and 5min application. i was able to get my IDP in 15 Minutes.. I am very pleased with the service I received”
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