Why carry an IDP while driving in Greece?
Your IDP is a valid form of identification in more than 150 countries worldwide and contains your name, photo and driver information in the 12 most widely spoken languages in the world – it is understandable to most of the local officials and authorities of the countries you visit.
It translates your identification information into 12 languages — so it speaks the language even if you don’t. Greece highly recommends an International Driving Permit.

Driving Rules in Greece
Driving in Greece can be a very challenging as well as memorable experience for visitors. Greece drivers are known for their nervousness and impatience on the road but that should not be a problem if you drive defensively and cautiously.
Important Reminders For Driving in Greece:
- Traffic moves on the right side of the road.
- Children under 10 may not travel in the front seat. Child seats are mandatory for children up to age 4.
- While driving, a driver and all passengers in the car must wear seat belts.
- Children between 3 and 11 years, measuring less than 1.35m must be seated in an appropriate child restraint for their size.
- Use of a mobile phone is illegal whilst driving.
- It is illegal to have a level of alcohol in the bloodstream of more than 0.05 per cent.
- The middle lane of a three-lane highway is for passing.
- Dipped headlights should be used in poor daytime visibility.
- The use of full beam headlights in towns is strictly prohibited.
- Traffic already on a roundabout has to stop and give way to traffic entering the roundabout.
- In Greece it is prohibited to overtake at bottlenecks, humps in the road, on bends, at pedestrian crossings, at junctions and when there is inadequate visibility
- Changing lanes on junctions is forbidden in Greece.
Additional info for driving in Greece
There are two toll roads in Greece. One goes from Athens to the Peloponnesus and the other goes from Athens to Thessaloniki. In the major cities of Greece, on-street parking is virtually non-existent so you should use the available parking lots. You are not allowed to park within 3 metres of a fire hydrant, within 5 metres of a junction, or within 15 metres of a public transport stop. If you park in a No Parking zone in Athens or certain other areas, the police may remove your licence plates if you owe a traffic fine or fines. Police can impose fines but not collect them on the spot. The fine must be paid at a Public Treasury office within 10 days. You can be fined for the unnecessary use of a car horn. Snow chains may be used when roads are covered with snow or ice, usually between November and March. The maximum speed limit for cars with chains is 50 kph. Watch out for animals on the road, sometimes they can wander onto roads so be prepared. The speed limits are: expressways – 130 km/h (75 mph) for passenger cars, 100 km/h for passenger cars with a trailer, and 85 km/h for trucks (more than 3.5 tons); outside cities – 110 km/h (68 mph), urban areas – 50 km/h (31 mph).
How to get your IDP
We’ve streamlined the application process down by creating a platform that guides you so you know exactly what you’ll need to successfully complete your application

1. Apply Online
Start your application for International Driver’s License Get the IDP.

2. Upload Photos
Make sure to upload an updated photo and with the correct parameters.

3. Get approved
Wait for your confirmation and you are ready to go!

Mike Wessells
“I was renting a car in Italy when i found out i need to get an International Driving License, after a quick online search and 5min application. i was able to get my IDP in 15 Minutes.. I am very pleased with the service I received”
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